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Future jobs

Fondazione Mondo Digitale

Future jobs

Future jobs

In 2021, almost 71% of companies stated that they had invested in digital solutions and technologies, in response to the pandemic deadlock. The public utilities sector (energy, gas, water, environment) shows the highest value (82.3%), followed by industry (71.2%) and services (70.6%). In 2021, however, the percentage of companies stating that they are having difficulties in finding professionals with the required digital skills will increase to 37.8% of the total planned entries. The greatest difficulties concern the 'IT and telecommunications services' sector, in which more than two out of three companies (68.1) report problems in finding the desired profiles. [Unioncamere - ANPAL, Excelsior Information System, 2021]. In order for investments in the digital transformation of companies to translate into a real benefit for the companies themselves and the country, systemic educational interventions to strengthen human capital become a priority.

It is in order to reduce the disconnection with the labour market, align school curricula with the skill requirements of companies, and enthuse young people for scientific research and entrepreneurship that the Fondazione Mondo Digitale promotes professionalising workshops and academies in partnership with large ICT companies to support the development of enabling technological skills and accompany students in the discovery of new profiles and opportunities of the 4.0 market. From PCTO paths for the prototyping of innovative products/services to education programmes for self-entrepreneurship and social innovation, to orientation sessions in collaboration with leading Italian universities.

With the Roll Cloud project, in collaboration with Google Cloud, Intesa Sanpaolo and Noovle, students meet with company employees to learn about new types of employment linked to digitalisation and in particular the rapidly expanding cloud professions. With Ambizione Italia per il Lavoro alongside Microsoft, the focus is on the main fields of application of artificial intelligence, while through the 'Code&Frame for self empowerment' programme with Eni, the simulation of a business acceleration in the start-up phase engages the students on the theme of energy transition and environmental sustainability.

Among the main projects to bring them closer to the professions of the future:

  • Ambizione Italia – Alleanza per la cybersecurity con Microsoft (in corso)
  • Ambizione Italia per il lavoro con Microsoft Italia (in corso)
  • BYOC- Build Your Own Cloud con Acer (2018)
  • CO.ME.SE con Eni (in corso)
  • Code Your Future con Microsoft (2016)
  • Collezione di classe (2020)
  • Crack the Code con Microsoft (2017-18)
  • eSkills4Change con Microsoft (2017-2018)
  • Future Recoded con Microsoft (2016-2017)
  • Growing Tour (2021-2022)
  • Health for You (2021-2022)
  • Holomakers (2019-2020)
  • IoT alla Palestra dell’Innovazione con Cisco (2016)
  • Make: Learn: Share: Europe (2015-2018)
  • Path to a Job (2015-2018)
  • Projecting the future con E (2017-2018)
  • RealD Educational Campaign (2016)
  • Roll Cloud con Google, Intesa Sanpaolo, Noovle (in corso)
  • Scouting the Future con Lazio Innova (2020-2021)
  • TeCom con Lazio Innova (in corso)
  • Vivere digitale con Free Formers e Facebook (2019)


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